Author Center
Author¡¯s Response
A . When the reviewer asks you to revise your manuscript, the status of your submission is    Revision.
B . By clicking ¡°s¡± in ¡°Actions¡±, you can revise your manuscript.
A . Clicking ¡°Author Response¡± leads you through the revision submission process     similar to the new manuscript submission process.
B . In the ¡°Author Response¡± step, you can enter your response to the reviewers¡¯     comments.
C . In the ¡°Decision Letter¡±, you can view reviewers¡¯ comments and attached files.
D . You can enter your responses to the reviewers¡¯ comments.
E . Click ¡°Browse¡¦¡± and locate files associated with the revised submission.
    Make sure to click ¡°ATTACH RESPONSE FILE¡± to successfully upload your files.
F . Click ¡°NEXT¡± to proceed to the next stage.

Finishing the ¡°Author Response¡± step, you should go through the same 5 steps you did for the new manuscript submission.
A . You are required to upload revised files to attach to your revision.
B . Make sure to check the PDF version of your revised submission.